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Vastu Shastra says that it is best to have the Master bedrooms in the South, Southwest (Nairuthi) and West directions. Northeast ( Ishan ) corner Bedroom may not be used by the elder of the house. Honestly speaking the Northeast cornered bedroom is not good, so don't plan the Northeast bedroom at your home, and it may not be used as a master bedroom, maximum try to avoid placing the bed rooms at East or North Directions . If the elder of the house is using the Northeast corner bedroom it may affect on his health and on his financial matters.

People sleeping in Southeast (Agneya) towards East side bedrooms suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety and short temper. The owner sleeping in Northwest (Vayavya) bed rooms suffers instability, financial losses, unnecessary headaches from his working areas i.e., his office, shop, lodge or hotels , factories etc.

It is best for the house owner to sleep in the Southwest room and

in case not possible in the South bed room or West bed room, if the owner has occupied at these southwest corner bedroom, or south bedroom, or at west bedroom then his position will raise day by day, his works will go smooth, his words has some attraction, he has capability in maintaining his family members or his staff. His financial position will also be raisen at peak level. vaasthu for bedroom Vastu Shastra is most important for us, as because we spare max time in a day at this bedroom. While at house construction its better to consult one experienced vasthu consultant then every thing will go smooth. Please remind one thing vaastu consultants can cheat you, but vaasthu shastra cannot. (Sleeping positions are discussed in detail in next pages, don't miss to visit learn more pages). Master bedroom is best suitable at Southwest. The owner has to occupy the Master bed room.

The best place for Bedroom and Master bedroom in a house :
Prior to know this information, first we have to learn that how many directions in a house.

1. East Direction

2. Southeast Direction

3. South Direction

4. Southwest Direction

5. West Direction

6. Northwest Direction

7. North Direction

8. Northeast Direction

Shortly we will discuss about Master Bedroom in Southwest, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast corners or directions.

in every house, home, residence, flat, villa, there must be these eight directions. Apart that there is a place at center or Brahmasthan (we should not construct the bedroom at Brahmasthan).

Bedroom is different and master bedroom is different, generally the owner of the property or head of the house may occupied the master bedroom. Others may occupied remaining bedrooms. Here first we will learn where is the best place for bedroom in a house.

After wake up from the bed some opens their eyes and looking their hands first and chanting mantra. Some will look on their particular interested God, Some look at the mirror, some look at their family members, some looks others photos and feels that the entire day will runs with all good things. Some elders says that after wake up from bed, we have to see Lord Balaji, who is Kaliyuga Daivam, Smiling children face, green natural scenaries or water falls. First observe with some practicals and settle with the one which gives you more good on the entire day. Please note that one is settled in a good vastu house, he will get all good things generally. Anyway we respect people thoughts, but putting some facts may change their life style.