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Section 1: What is Energy?

In personal and spiritual trainings we often hear the phrase “energy” being used to describe what goes on at the unseen levels. So let’s look into how I see it. Physicists across the world have been able to prove that our physical world is just one large sea of energies that flash in and out of being within milliseconds in a continuous pattern. If that is true then the world does not exist – put in other words then we make it up.

So what is the world of Quantum Physics?

First we must realize that nothing in the world is solid. Physicists have been able to prove that our thoughts are what is put together and hold together as our ever-changing energy field into physical ‘objects’ that we can see. If that is true then the world is not solid.

So why do we see a physical person instead of a cluster of flashing energy?

One way to understand it is like this; you see a kind of movie consisting of about 24 frames a second. Each frame is separated from the others by a little gap. Because of the speed of how one frame is able to replace another, our eyes are then cheated into believing that we see something solid and not a ‘moving picture’.

Think about the way a television works. A TV tube is simply a tube that houses a heap of electrons that are hitting the screen in a particular way, creating the illusion of motion and form. This is what all objects are in a way.

You have 5 physical senses which consist of smell, taste, touch, sight and sound. Each of these different senses have a specific spectrum that they reside in (for an example, a dog is able to hear a different range of sound than humans do). A snake will see a completely different spectrum of light than humans etc. in other words, your personal perception system perceive the sea of continual energy from a certain, somewhat limited standpoint and creates an image from that.

 Remember that this is not complete, nor is it accurate. This is simply an interpretation. All of our interpretations are pretty much based on the ‘internal map’ of the reality that we create inside our mind and is not the real truth. Some people say that the world doesn’t exist – we make it up.

Our personal ‘map’ is the result of our DNA and our personal life’s collection of experiences i.e. everything which has happened in our life. Our thoughts seem to be linked to this invisible energy that is determining what the energy is able to form. Your thoughts are able to literally shift the universes on a type of particle-by-particle basis to create the physical life you see.

Start by looking all around you, everything you are able to see in your physical world started its existence as a simple idea. An idea that was able to grow as it was expressed and shared until it was able to grow enough and become a physical object because of a number of steps.

You quite literally become exactly what you think about and in doing so, your life will become what you mostly have believed and imagined. This world become your literal mirror, making you able to experience the physical plane as what you hold as your truth and that will last until you change it however. So the good news is that you are able to change your life by changing your thoughts. Or put in another way – If there is something in your life you are able to change your life by changing your thoughts and your world/your reality will change too.










Quantum physics helps to show us that the world is not that unchangeable and harden thing that it appears to be. Instead is it’s a place of continually flowing energy and builds up by using our collective and individual thoughts.

It seems as if it is almost like a magic trick, that we call our reality or truth is just an illusion. Fortunately we have been able to start the process of uncovering and understand the illusion of this physical space and most importantly, we have been able to create change in it.

You have probably been thinking of what your body consists of? There are nine different systems which the human body is comprised of, such as endocrine, circulatory, muscular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, urinary, respiratory and skeletal. That brings up even more questions doesn’t it?

What are those systems made up of?

Answer: Tissues and organs.

What are tissues and organs made of?

Answer: Cells.

What are cells made of?

Answer: Molecules.

What are molecules made of?

Answer: Atoms.

What are atoms made of?

Answer: Sub-atomic particles.

What are subatomic particles made of?

Answer: Energy!

You and I are made up of pure light in its most intelligent and beautiful configuration. This energy is ever changing beneath the surface and you are to some extent able to control it with your powerful mind. You are one large powerful and stellar human being.