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If you had the ability to see yourself under a very powerful electron microscope and were able to conduct other experiments on yourself, you would then be able to see that you were simply made up of cluster of ever-changing and fluctuating energy in the form of photons, electrons, neutrons and so on.

Everything else around you is made of the same thing. Quantum physics helps to tell us that an object is only visible to the observer.

An object doesn’t simply stop existing independently of its observer. Through your observation and attention to anything, including your intention literally creates that thing. This is the understanding of physicists today and our world tends to consist of mind, body and spirit.

That brings us further into the Ancient Model of “The 3 minds”.

The idea of the three minds of Human beings can be found in several ancient teachings.

The Unconscious Mind/The Body also called the Lower Self is in charge of the body and maintain all the functions inside the body. We could say that it has a blueprint of perfect health and at the same time knows the current status. It doesn’t have the power to create, although it is able to give off the illusion of the power to do so. It can only be experienced and have experiences, and that is its unique function. The Unconscious Mind serves as a personal library; it stores a vast amount of information about you, your beliefs, memories and values relating to your body and the history of your life. This mind runs all your habits including how to maintain your health. It is in charge of all the things that you are able to perform automatically. It is situated inside and around the body.

The Conscious Mind sometimes called the Middle Self is a decision maker and in charge of the sensory system. It is in this mind that we create meaning (which we do all the time). In this mind, we experience our inner world as pictures, sounds, body sensations and internal dialog. It seems to be mainly situated in and around the head. This mind is not able to experience; it can only interpret and create. It requires an entire world of relativity (Body, and the physical world) if it wants to experience itself. Those two minds are totally depending upon each other. The Conscious Mind can create and the Unconscious mind can experience and those two minds serve the spirit which is

The Spirit is all that is. It is sometime also called the Creative Mind, Higher Mind or Higher Intuition or Higher Self – some even call it the Guardian Angel and represents a kind of overview of your life and an understanding of who you are at the deepest level. It gives life to the body and thought. It holds your vision or purpose of life and inspires the two other minds to create a life where the vision or purpose comes through. It seems to be mainly situated above the head.

This Higher Self is connected to the Lower Self with a kind of cord of invincible energy string which leads from the Lower Self to the Higher Self. Energy power can flow along that string and it can go both ways. Inspiration can flow down from the Higher Self to the Lower Self and pass on to the Middle Self to be interpreted here. And it goes the other way too. Visions of what you want can flow from the Conscious Mind to the Lower Self and continue along the cord to the Higher Self.

However this process can be blocked by Guilt, Shame, Anger, Grief, Fear etc. And that is the secret to have active visualization works. You need to clean up for that kind of blockings to have it work.

This is why we always make a whole day of cleaning up processing during Akasha Trainings. We wish you to be able to have this communication process work for you.

We can create a picture in mind and continue into the level of energy to become materialized over time. We understand that everything is in motion at all times and the whole idea that we can find a special “balance” and keep that forever is an illusion. We will at all times need to find our balance in the movement which means that personal flexibility is a must. From this understanding we can derive set of principles or presuppositions which are useful when we are working with our own life or when we are assisting others. You simply presuppose them in order to bring the different techniques and processes into action.

1.We do not experience the world as it is – we experience a model of the world. The map is not the territory

As shown in this chapter, we cannot experience reality as it is – we can only experience a model of the world. This means that every person’s Model of the World, (whatever that person experiences) is only a model and not the whole truth. The good news is that we can change the Model if we are not satisfied with it. The moment we change our beliefs about the world, we change the way we perceive reality. This is what all change work or personal transformation is about.

2.Respect for other people’s model of the world

Respect is not the same as acceptance. I can respect someone’s right to have a certain Model of the World, and when I do, communication with them will become easier. It is not always easy to take this presupposition to heart, particularly when dealing with people who have views that are completely different to our own. It can be explained with a quote from the philosopher Soren Kirkegaard: “If one is truly to succeed in leading a person to a specific place, one must first and foremost take care to find him where he is and begin there.”

3.I am the one who controls my mind and thus my results

Many people believe that it is someone else’s fault that their life is like it is, or it is someone else’s fault that they react the way they do. With this principle we presuppose that we-ourselves are responsible for everything that happens because our internal and external communication is what governs our life. If we are not satisfied with the response we get from others, or with our life in general, we are responsible for changing it by changing our Model of the World.

4.There is no failure, only feedback

Many people are discouraged by things they do not succeed at - they see it as a failure, or perhaps even that they, as individuals, are failures. Other people do not think in terms of failure, but take whatever happens as feedback that they can use for the next time, e.g., “Well, that didn’t go very well, but I learned from it so next time I will do such and such instead”. When we experience that everything is feedback, then we really have an opportunity to grow.

5.The meaning of your communication is the response you get. If you do not get the result you want, then change your communication.

This presupposition is in line no.3 about the individual being responsible for his results and no.4 on feedback, if, e.g., you ask a friend to fetch a bath towel and he comes back with a tea towel, it means you have not communicated “towel” clearly enough. Following this presupposition, instead of blaming the other, you can take the responsibility for the communication and change it. With the self-coaching tools you can adapt your communication to suit the person you talk to. To understand what is being communicated, some people must have a visual image to connect to, others require a certain tone of voice to be used.

6.Every behaviour has a positive intention.

This presupposition can teach us to look for the intent behind what other people do, rather than just focusing on their behaviour. Maybe you don’t like the flowers you receive but you recognize the intention behind the gift. Perhaps you don’t understand why a person is violent, but you can ask yourself, ‘What positive outcome is this person trying to achieve for herself here?’

When we start distinguishing between behaviour and intention we realize that our current behaviour or strategy of action does not always help us to achieve the results we want. Many of these strategies were adequate when we were children, but are not sufficient today. Too often we actually achieve the opposite of what we want. The Self-coaching tools allow us to update old strategies.

7.People already have all the resources they need to reach their goals.

This presupposition is based on the idea that if you set yourself a goal which is really important to you, then you also have the capability of achieving it. Humans continue infinite resources, but many of these are not used because they are bound by inhibitory beliefs. The Self-coaching tools can literate those resources when we set goals for ourselves.

8.Flexible people and organizations have advantages over others.

When you develop the ability to see other ways of doing things, you are more able to adapt to any situation. This applies to individuals who can adapt their communication to the person they are talking to and thereby get their meaning across. It also applies to organization and businesses that are more able to adapt to unforeseen situations and changing markets. One of the benefits achieved from the self-coaching tools is the development of a greater flexibility.


9.Any situation has several options. If something does not work-then do something else!

When we encounter obstacles, it is normal to either become passive or to do the same thing again, even if it did not work the first time. If you develop a new habit of telling yourself that in any situation you have at least 3 options, then your mind will start to look for these options and suddenly you can choose between several possible ways to move forward. Start to look at obstacles in this way: “What are the three solutions to this?”

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”

10.Accept who you are.

We all have some core values which are so important to us that we will never let them go. One of my very deep core values is ‘respect for other people’ and this is so important to me that I can’t imagine life without it. Who would I be then? Not me that’s for sure. In other words, all of us have some values and beliefs which are so basic for us that they represent our identity. This may lead to reactions to and from other people that you don’t like. A number of beliefs and reactions can be changed in the Model of the World and some can’t. The only thing you can do with you core beliefs and core values are simply to make a decision that they are okay for you. This is how you are. Learn to accept things the way they are within that area of your life. Learn to love yourself for being who you are.