• team@ajayjdedhia.com

  • +91 98207 78887


Clearing Statements to open up and unlock the doors of infinite possibilities


  • All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory (10 times in the morning, 10 times night, or any time when you are tired or stressed).
  • How can it get even better than this?
  • What else is possible?
  • What are the infinite ways the universe can gift to me?
  • What would it take for ______ to show up?
  • What can I choose today that would generate a greater possibility? Everything that does not allow that times of godzillions are you willing to destroy and uncreate it all? (yes)? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • How could this turn out better than anything I could have ever imagined or plan?
  • What are the infinite possibilities?
  • How can I be the energy that would allow the universe to gift me beyond my wildest dreams?
  • All the expectations, judgements, points of views, conclusions, separations, rejections, resentments you have about access consciousness and access bars are you willing to destroy and uncreate it all across times of godzillions? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • Whom does this belong to? Does this belong to me or someone else?
  • Option A: If it belong to you say “whenever, wherever I have generated this, I am willing to destroy and uncreate it all, across times of godzillions.
  • Option B: If it belongs to someone else say “I return it back to the sender with infinite consciousness and love attached to it, never to return back to me or my reality.”
  • Most important: If there are repetitions in patterns/pain etc. add: “Returns to from whence you came, never to return to me or my reality.”

  • For Generating More Love for Self and Receiving

  • What is right about me that I might not be aware of?
  • If this were the last 10 seconds of your life how would you be?
  • What Creation of _____ (or this energy) am I using to validate other people’s reality?
  • What if this Reality isn’t Real?
  • What amazing experiences & opportunities are we willing to receive?
  • Everywhere you have bought the lie that something is wrong with you will you destroy and uncreate it all across times of godzillions? Everything that is will you now destroy and uncreate it all across times of godzillions. Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • What if everything I think is wrong about me is greatness I am unwilling to perceive? Everything that does not allow this, times of godzillions are you willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • “What question am I not being here and what’s right about me that I’m not getting? Everything that is will you now destroy and uncreate it all across times of godzillions. Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • What would it take for me to just be able to receive?
  • For Generating More Money to Flow to You

  • What can I create and generate differently that I haven’t acknowledged? Everything that does not allow this times of godzillions are you willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • How can I have, generate and be the millions of dollars the Universe will gift to me? Everything that does not allow this to show up times of godzillions I am willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • What awareness could I have that would allow me to have awareness of the Billionaire?
  • What would be so much fun for me to be paid for?
  • What have I decided is not possible, that truly is possible that if I would ask for it would allow the Universe to gift me the life that I would like to have, and I am refusing to ask for? Everything that does not allow this times of godzillions I am willing to destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • What is my secret agenda about ‘receiving’ that maintains ‘having’ as a limitation, not a possibility?
  • What else can I add to my Life that will generate and create a lot more money for me now and in the future?
  • What can I BE, DO, HAVE, CREATE and GENERATE today that would create and generate money now and into the future? (Dr. D. Heer recommends this last one for one month to flip your income!)
  • What creation of not receiving am I using to validate (my parents) realities?
  • If you had any Idea how big of a gift and contribution to the world you truly are, how much money would you allow to destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • Everything you are doing to defend against money, will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.
  • What if you were willing to receive money from anywhere and anyone? Would you be willing to receive more money than you can imagine for something that is ridiculously easy and fast for you?....Imagine if you would be willing to receive money from everywhere? Could that open up your money flows a little or a lot? So would you be willing to let go of all the decisions, judgements and points of view you have around where, how and who you can receive money from? Right & Wrong Good & Bad POD POC All 9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.   