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Introduction to the Teaching Manual for the Akasha Empowerment & Healing System written by Jack Makani.

The winds of change sweep the Earth these years and open to possibilities we can hardly imagine. We see it in all aspects of life; relationship, technology, psychology, learning, social aspects of life, family patterns etc. This open up to endless opportunities for human beings. We can go wherever we want and become whatever we want. It opens to a life in progress and prosperity which was not possible a few generations ago. In this manual for the Akasha Empowerment & Healing System you will find all the necessary knowledge and methods which will give you advantages in this new time. You can’t get the most benefit from just reading the manual. You need to take the initiations as well. The initiations will connect you to the powerful creation powers which are available to all of us if we want it.

We don’t really have an environmental crisis on the planet – we have a spiritual crisis. And because of that we don’t understand that the planet – our home is a living being and needs to be taking care of. Out of this lack of knowledge we have created what we today call the environmental crisis. We are at crossroad these years and we can chose to follow the path leading us towards a new golden age. When we do that we will realize that the cake has an unlimited size which means there is enough for everybody. This means we can open our heart and connect to the powerful energy of creation and use that with compassion and respect for each other and for the planet knowing that at a deeper level we are all connected to each other - we are all at one.

The other way in the crossroad takes us somewhere else. If we keep on believing that the cake has a certain size and life is about how to get the hands upon the biggest piece of cake never mind the others. If we chose this we can keep on fighting and continue to cheat each other. We can stay at the level of solar plexus and think at ourselves only, in all aspects of life. We can keep on with no compassion for the planet and the environment. That road will lead us towards some kind of destruction – you – others and the planet.

The moment is now and the choice is ours.

The more we know about ourselves at the deepest level the easier it become to respect other people. The Akasha Empowerment & Healing System was born to assist modern people to find their deepest identity as a human being. To assist people to realize that at a certain level we are all at one. That means if you beat someone you also at some level are beating yourself. We are interconnected. The Akasha Healing System is about deep personal transformation. A system that offer you knowledge and processes you can follow to reveal your deepest inner wisdom in your daily life for the good of yourself, your family, your community and in the end for your planet.

The system was born in August 2001 in Denmark close to the so called Sky Mountain in Jutland. It was given to me – Jack Makani and my sister, the Danish master Healer Annmarie Bremer from a number of sources from the unseen levels. The intention with the system is to ease the transition from what we call the old paradigm and into the so called new paradigm. We can also say to raise the vibration in the Human Aura. Or in a third way to create an even better connection to the Source of Life.

So put in another way, it can be used for three purposes:

  1. To assist the Ascension process that takes place these years.
  2. To heal unbalances in the personality and maintain a good health.
  3. To attract into your life whatever you need, to live a life in harmony, love and prosperity.




The training will provide students with knowledge and skills to understand what is going on at the unseen level at all times. It will assist them to find the answers to who they are at the deeper level, why they are here and what they are supposed to do. Put in other words to create a vision for themselves and release the power within to achieve that vision. It will enable them to maintain good health and how they can assist other to do the same.


~ Jack Makani ~